Questions before developing a website
This article is more for my developer friends who are just beginning the adventure of monetizing their knowledge. Knowledge is addictive but it is essential to know what to do with it. If you are the client (you have a business or company), it is very likely that it can also help you to know what to ask your developer.
Here are some key questions to ask yourself before starting any website project:
What is the purpose of the website?
It is important to understand the purpose of the website in order to develop an effective strategy and build a site that meets your goals. Is it a site to promote products or services? Is it a platform to generate leads? Is it a place to tell customers about the company? Whatever the purpose, it is relevant to be clear from the beginning.
Who is your target audience?
The next step is to understand who are the visitors you expect to receive on your website. Are they final consumers? Are they companies? Are they freelancers? Knowing your target audience will allow you to develop a website that attracts and retains your audience.
What are your online competitors?
Knowing your online competitors is essential in order to understand how your business is positioned in the marketplace and to identify any opportunities for improvement. Analyze your competitors’ websites and determine how you can make your website different and better.
What are your long-term online goals?
It is crucial to take a long-term view in order to plan and execute an effective strategy for your website. What do you hope to achieve with your website in the next 3 years? How do you expect your website to affect your overall business?
What kind of content are you hoping to include on your website?
Content is the lifeblood of any website, so it’s important to have a clear understanding of what kind of content you expect to include on your site. Will it be a site with informational content or will it be an e-commerce site with products to sell?
In addition to the questions mentioned above, it is also valuable to consider the following questions in order to have a fuller understanding of your customer’s needs and expectations.
What features do you expect your website to have?
It is critical to have a clear understanding of the features your customer expects your website to have, such as easy navigation, mobile-friendly, social media integration, and more. This will allow you to develop a website that meets your expectations.
What is your budget for the website?
It is crucial to know the budget available for website development. This will allow you to plan the project realistically and ensure that the objectives are met within the established budget.
How will you handle the maintenance and updating of the website?
After launching the website, it is important to keep it up to date and secure. You need to determine how your client will handle these aspects, either through an internal team or by contracting with an external provider.
How do you measure success online today?
It is important to understand how your client measures success online so that you can develop an effective strategy and ensure that the website meets their goals. Are you measuring website visits? Are they measuring the conversion rate? Are they measuring customer satisfaction?
These questions are just one example of questions to ask before you start building a website for a client. Doing thorough research and asking the right questions ensures that your website meets your customer’s needs and expectations and is successful online.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”
Let me take you by the hand to build the website that your company deserves. Growth must be constant and what does not change tends to die. Do not stop the expansion of your company and let it grow exponentially.
Let your own company exceed your expectations, show your clients the constant innovation and development that they achieve year after year. And show the world that a company with honesty and transparency will always achieve its goals.